With our symposia, we want to continue where our dossiers and position papers leave off: the discourse. We also specifically invite organisations that we criticise in our work.
Medicine and quality measurement, 23 May 2016
Measuring the quality of medical treatment is increasingly becoming the focus of attention for authorities, associations and service providers. They each approach the topic with different demands. We discussed the topic from three perspectives: the regulatory, the medical ethics and the clinical perspective.
Speakers: Oliver Peters, Federal Office of Public Health FOPH, Dr Michel Romanens, VEMS, Prof Markus Zuber, Solothurn Hospitals. Moderation: Flavian Kurth, VEMS.
Download the proceedings of the symposium
Read article in the Oltener Tagblatt
Tribune article NZZ, 23 June 2016, reply by Oliver Peters, Deputy Director FOPH
Medical euthanasia or assisted suicide?, 19 October 2015
Decisions at the end of life have become more complex due to the possibility of assisted suicide. In the process, the possibilities of palliative medical care and accompaniment to death are in danger of being overlooked.
Speakers: Saskia Frei, Exit, Dr Daniel Büche, palliative medicine, Prof Dr Urs Brügger, health economics, Dr Michel Romanens, medical ethics/VEMS. Moderation: Prof Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Ethics University of Lübeck.
Watch the recording of the symposium on YouTube.
Article in the Solothurner Zeitung